All the tracks are produced to be heard on any decent wavetable sound card. sometimes they sound good on FM synthesis too. I only use midi GS setup, that way you dont have to mess with any 'wav' stuff. Unfourtunatly midi does sound lame but I keep trying anyway.

If you want to add-to, remix or re-arrange any of the material, thats ok. Let me hear the

Most of these current tracks were originally recorded using an Atari ST1040 & MTPRO64T software. A really nice combo for quick & easy programming.

Input devices

Mostly Me, aided with...

Roland midi keyboard

Yamaha QY10

Yamaha RX11

Anything with some sort of midi output

plus lots of click & drag

These days Its all on PC, Lack of space prevents me from a full setup. When it came to transfer I just stuck the two together with a midi lead and hey presto, what a mess. If you know of a disk reader (that works) please let me know.

The sound card is an AWE32 with 8 meg of ram. I am currently using the Ultimate.sf2,

I use Cubase to record and arrange. Its an old version with compression as a feature, quite useful sometimes, but I use Cakewalk to mix and add fairy dust.

oh yeah, & midi sucks